Looking good, I can't wait to see them all together once they're done!
Yes the picture I provided was from saurus warriors, sorry for not correcting it earlier
While scaley creatures with spikes aren't a rare sight in any of the warhammer worlds, these do certainly look familiar...[ATTACH]
Sorry if that question may be a little weird. But they showed that they're squating the stormcast castigators with gryph-hound. Do does that mean...
Model wise, it's not anything grand, but I think I have interesting enough lore to make up for that;)
This sounds interesting, I've got a cople of ideas already, hopefully I'll be able to sell whatever I'll end up doing, as a hero
Congratulations @Explodingzeb! A Victory well deserved! I am awaiting patiently the next prompt and seeing what everyone will come up with!
Looks great! I love the look of the orange glow on the aggradons!
As usual, it never fails to amaze me, seeing all of the great work done in these contests, even with 3 votes now, it will be hard to pick the Best...
For my entry I present a humble chameleon skink, hopefully the quality of the pictures is fine, I didn't have much time to take them. [ATTACH]...
Yes, I just need to add some finishing touches and take the pictures
If you won't be able to find a 3D print option, you could try to either make a blue stuff mold of one of the other horns and recast it in...
I'd suggest just putting some magnets in the bottom of their feet. The legs on stegadon are already hollow and so are the back legs of Bastion, so...
Holy! That looks amazing, great job!
As the local chameleon skink fan I'm really liking this theme, let's give it a shot, and hopefully I'll finish it in time
Final month of the year! Better make it count My plans are: Finish painting the skinks (minus the gold parts probably) Assemble and magnetize...
Alright, I see some interesting findings here, I'll try to play around with it in some free.time and see if anything worth talking about comes out...
But jokes aside the only redundant model would be the slann, but that is a nice kit, so I probably find him a new home, or come up with the ideas....
Hmmm our box quite tempting indeed. Oh and of course the models in it are also great
I actually wanted to do some experimenting myself and try to make some seraphon heros, but I don't know if there's a specific version for each...