Congratulations @JTSleep a well deserved Victory in a strong competition. Great job, looking forward to see what you'll come up with next;)
The concept aounds promising, and the skink is looking good. Im looking forward to seeing how this goes
As promised here's the sacred pool done by Crowbarr, that I used for my Feathered Serpent entry: It...
Hi, to answer your question, the model is indeed 3d printed, (I sadly don't have the time or skills to carve each brick by hand:p), I'll link the...
Another contest, another bunch of amazing entries. Everyone did a fantastic job so picking just 2 will be difficult Good luck everyone and may...
Alright, here goes nothing, let me know if some photos need to be corrected/changed [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
As mentioned before, this month I'll be busy with some personal projects, but since my birthday is soon, I'll definitley end up with some fun...
Time for my obligatory monthly roundup Gor-rok and Kroak are cleaned, but not assembled I found priper paints for my skinks, they should be...
Sounds interesting, I'm looking forward to seeing how this project goes
My goals for September are: Clean and assemble kroak and gor-rok Try not to ruin my skinks again by coming up with a good color for their back...
Calling it quits for this month Painted some skinks, but Didin't finish any cause in my infinite wisdom I put my main "contrast" brush in super...
I'd say option 1 looks better
Sounds interesting, I could try to complete a project I had on my mind for some time I even painted up one skink for it last week. And even if I...
Congratulations @Explodingzeb !!! You did an incredible job with that Stegadon, a well deserved victory
As usual, I see some amazing paintjobs and great model choices, great job everyone. It's gonna be hard to decide...
Alright, hopefully I won't spend this month overthinking a single small lizard... Finish painting a unit of skinks with clubs Organize my model...
Not sure, how to feel about my progress from last month, I painted one skink in some experimental colors and found the right color for the first...
Paint a bunch of skinks and figure out the rest after im done
Okay, I'm quite happy with this month's progress, even if some things didin't go as intended All the assemby and green stuff work on these guys...
I'll probably start these in the latter part of the month, but im just writing it down now so that I won't forget: Finish converting my original...