Well that's a life saver. I might have to track some of this down, considering i need Moss effects on some of my future projects.
Welcome aboard! It's always great to see a fellow lurker come out of the shadows, look around, see what type content fits you the most, perhaps...
Looks great! As for the War paint on it's tail, it looks good wihout it, but if you want to add some, I suggest painting a pattern similar to the...
Next part I'll try to tackle heat and bending, plus making molds of resin bits
Okay so about the progress..., after leaving the acetone soaked finecast out to dry for about a day it shrunk and turned this weird, little...
Decided to redo the paintjob on the skink priest. I originally went with incubi darkness as a main color but sadly it dosen't compliment with my...
Great project, I've seen people make their miniatures light up, but never ones that make sounds. Good job, will watch the progress with great...
My plan for this month is simple, paint my skink priest. It may not seem like much, but you'll learn why when i post/report my progress. Have a...
It's this time again isin't it? Okay i feel like i did good, i managed to push forward some of my projects and caught up to date with posts here....
So I've just checked this whole thread and I must say, im impressed, theese conversios look great. Keep up the good work
Experiment 1: finecast and acetone Im looking at what different chemicals do this type of resin in case i or someone would want/need to strip the...
Alright, since the season of frights and horrors is approaching, I've decided to tackle the scariest thing in our hobby..... that's right...
This looks very promising, can't wait to see it finished. I guess the only thing i have to do now is to wish you good luck on this project
The title says it all. This is where i'll be asking for help ,writing down my ideas, potential tutorials and experiments
Im still alive belive it or not. I really need to get my stuff together and learn to take not blurry photos. Have my low quality picture of 4 cold...
Alright, since im back after my break i'll go easy on myself. Im just gonna work on the projects that I abandoned due to a creative burnout. I'll...
Ok Ok so I got the pictures taken of my skinks and cold ones I just need to pick the best and send them to my Phone so I can post them here. The...
Warning i don't know the scale of theese models but maby the Blood viper endless spell or whatever it's called could make a nice coatl
In theory it should be possible to assemble him wihout that pice. You would need to glue the arms and fill in the hole with green stuff and do...
Just finished my high end engineered arm for a character plus sanded off some bits for my cold ones. I'll try to post some pictures tomorrow ;)