Are we just counting current versions or classic and forgeworld versions for Greater Daemons? :P
Stromfels appears in some of the early WFRP books iirc, his harbinger and cultists also appear in the Gotrek & Felix audiobook story Slayer of the...
Well Malal was my 4th choice...but my top three weren't :P Malal i've enjoyed for his gnarly design and daemon weapon. I also...
I see no Necoho or Zuvassin (who might be technically fragments/aspects of Malal but the nature of Chaos Gods gets a bit murky in places. The...
From my own experience it is more like the old messenger chat, so a lot more live action of a discussion/group chat. Forum boards i'd say have...
Yeah...End Times really wrecked the UnderEmpire but looking back the forum itself was starting to die. Skaven hadn't really gotten much love since...
Alas dear WillQueek, General Vorg, Silas, Kimzi, SkavenDan, Vinz, S'nkeep, Guildy, Sketch, ShuNian, Arskittar, Bountlich, Mathusala, Cap, Rusty,...
My only complaint is that the Warplock actually worked and didn't detonate in Squeaka's paw. :P
Start-starting to get a feeling most of you lizard-things are actually other meat-things wearing scale-cloaks as well... As a true-true...
Very well done @Killer Angel! :D And hat-things off to the rest of the writer-meat and @Scalenex for once again making quite the exceptional...
T'is the eternal problem on these competitions, the standard of writing is often too good that allocating a single (or two or three or four) vote...
Y'ttar's Return Long have I been away from Lustrian jungles, my attention drawn back to tunnels and other things. Whiskers twitching I turned...
*Returns from the void* Ahoy, it's been a while. Have had a quick initial read-thing through, glad to see the writer-things on here are just as...
Stupid Chaos man-things! I kept say-squeaking that this was-was an elaborate disguise-thing, that mighty-great Gnawtail has help-aided their...
You often have to ask for the model of the month and there's usually a little corner table where it is already set up. Normally they have stock of...
There's usually an article on the official Warhammer Community page that lists the month's coin (if you spend £60 or more) as well as what the...
*Maddened chittering giggle* Going to really try and push myself this month and get those cursed yellow nuns out of the way: Assemble: 1 Model of...
Was going to try and beastmode the Seraphs today...but fell asleep. Oh well. Assemble: 1 Model of the Month: - Completed! Skabbit’s Plaguepack: –...
Assemble: 1 Model of the Month: - Skabbit’s Plaguepack: – Completed! 1 Sister of Battle: – Old old metal model mostly stripped of old paintjob 1...
Was a very hard choice for me, but I went for 'Avant-Garde' as i'm a sucker for absurdist 4th wall demolishing comedy. :P Many congratties...