Is that the Glaivewraith, Myrmourn Banshees, or Briar Queen warband? All of them are very fun to paint. :)
Shame they don't seem to be usable in Age of Sigmar anymore... Still, when I get round to him, you'll probably enjoy the banner bearer I was...
I got started almost as soon as the date changed... :P And it’s Ratty Roulette once again! Each month I have a list of six models from differing...
During the year I would like to at least: Finish Painting and Basing the models from Blackstone Fortress Build/Convert/Paint/Base the characters...
And continued... Christmas Day I convinced the family to take part in a race...The Doomwheel was quickly exchanged for a squig as it was too big...
Thanks all. :) Here's all the pictures I took from the start to end of Dec. Starting with the Red Gobbo on Bounca the model which I converted...
I mean it was mostly building what is effectively push fit models...that I now have to store and paint... It also helped i've had a long Christmas...