*Verminous chittering laugh cut off by a cry of 'Horned One it's still too hot!'* I am impressed how close that was. Anyone who is a Blues...
Here's my end of month overview. Not quite as much progress as I wanted but I did get a few things done. Alas, I don't think Sisters are for me...
Not going to lie, the poetry duel has been a tense back and forth or parrying and thrusts that could go any way at any moment, no discredit to the...
Story One: ‘That belongs in a museum!’ Sorry, couldn’t help meself. There’s certainly some Indiana Jones vibes with this piece interlaced with...
Poem One: Short and sweet with some very nice vivid and eloquent description. I really enjoyed the humour at the end (very Scaffold/Mike McGear.)...
Half-way through review-things. Very good stories everyone! :D
Pre-lim read through done. Some very nice takes on themes, colour me impressed! :D Bring on the review-things!
I'm a little saddened the Bakshi animated Lord of the Rings isn't being considered. Whilst certainly not as amazing as PJ's trilogy, that film...
Two poems, and one of them is also mine. Well, at least it kinda simplifies me pick. :P
*Chitter* Clear-clearly I am that-that good at hide-hiding in plain sight! *Swishes cloak and hides in obvious shadows*
I am pretty impressed with the level of detail and renaissance grimdarkness the Cities of Sigmar range is going for. The grave warden guy would...
Am nearing 1,200 word-things in the off and on time i've had to write. Muse has not been kind to me, so has been quite the slog to get anything...
Back to the grind with citadel. This month my main focus is going to be on painting a fair few Sisters. I haven't found myself enjoying painting...
Well, I have a skeleton story plan written, so just got to get the chance to sit down and write. :P
I have achieved way under what I was aiming for thus far... - Build/Paint/Base 12 Underworlds Warbands – 4/12 fully painted and based...
Reminds me of how a gaming magazine tried to explain the races in Warhammer: Mark of Chaos. It went something like: Orcs are Cockney footie...
Assemble: 1 Models of the Month (Termagant): - Completed! 1 Non-GW Green Seer Gnawtail: – Completed! Paint: 1 Perry Miniatures Prussian Dragoon:...
Well it made you think more about flank and rear placement for both attacking and defending, which I feel added an extra fun dimension to the...
Just over third way update: Assemble: 1 Models of the Month (Termagant): - Completed! 1 Non-GW Green Seer Gnawtail: – Completed! Paint: 1 Perry...