Lustria Park “This is beyond stupid!” For a moment, At-Tok looked dejected, his oddly perched conical hat that he had painstaking crafted for...
Many thanks for the comments, praise, and constructive crit! :) IIRC, it was a basecoat of Vallejo Yellow Ochre (913), Evil Sunz Scarlet (Part of...
The Old World. It's Gamesworkshop bringing back Warhammer but 500 or so years prior to the End Times (about the time of Magnus the Pious iirc.)...
Another month and i'm lagging a bit from the last. Plan is to get the assembled models done asap and finish off the Starblood's bases. I have...
So many feathers... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Klaq-Trok painted instead as my own Saurus Old-Blood: Tox of the Darkened Scale [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Some updates from Feb: Cadian from the model of the month: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Starblood Stalkers: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]...
So then...*gets popcorn* when's this final battle to literary death starting? :P
Starblood Stalkers are all finished bar painting their bases. So close... Very enjoyable models to paint though.
They also love mash potato. [MEDIA]
Alright, i've delayed for long enough...Here be some of my thought-things: Story One: Bravo. Others might see it as a cop out but I really loved...
Bit behind, but will try and at least get the Starbloods done in time. Assemble: 4 Sister Repentia: - Completed! 1 Model of the Month: - 2...
It's only over when the portly Slann sings :P
I thought the Crimson Fists were the Spanish themed Chapter? Dark Angels more biblical/goetica angels and daemons mixed with He-Man and...
Huh, I was unaware there was a Soulbound topic. Whilst I mainly play as a Stormcast, I have used the char creation from Stars and Scales for a...
Also because I either don't have the time or willpower to write a review until near the line. :P I've managed to scribble a few review notes...
Had a very quick leaf through, this is going to be good! :D
We move over to the voting thread: here, read, vote, and post commentary/reviews/thought-things. :)
There, I actually painted a Lizardman! :P [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] He's actually also a test model for my painting vows for this month where...
A little behind (already) to where I wanted to be. Sisters that were unfinished last month have been added to this one. Also I was going to paint...