You monster! :p Still, good work! :D
Ooooh a very nice crop this compy! I will have to ponder upon these.
Yup, that's pretty much me right now! I'm running an Adventures in Middle Earth rpg for my online group and figured I probably should do some...
The spectre of Blackstone still lingers...this month surely? Assemble: Model of the Month: – 5 Craventhrone Guard: - 5 Bladegheists: - Jelsen...
Okies, I am done bar some proofing and checks. Not sure how it will go down, but hopefully should be submitted tomorrow.
Few hundred words to go but nearly there...
Final week and i'm going to try and beast-thing mode getting the last four Blackstone models done. Doubt i'll get any more skelliemen done though....
In my defence, i've as always been extremely busy with what little time I have being devoted to painting, family, and rpgs. Regardless, I have the...
Finish Painting and Basing the models from Blackstone Fortress: I'm aiming to finish painting them all this month (three characters, one enemy...
Last month I barely managed anything so this month i'm trying a stricter planned schedule. Apart from basing i'm pretty much aiming to finish the...
Generally a trope with all the ratfolk races i've seen that aren't Skaven are that they talk and act quickly, are heavily into cleanliness, are...
I may have been reading some old WDs at the time of the Lustria expansion book. Marco Colombo was a nice model...
Let us joust with words and parry with prose. I scent-mean...yes-yes join in scale-thing word-thing sound-noise!
Sea turtles, mate. :P You did amazingly well given your own reservations on your piece too. ;)
So, I did mention in the entry thread but for those who never did see, some context: April I attempted to sail from Antigua to the Azores to...
Faded Gods I should never have bought that treasure from Lustria. It has been four days since the incident and my dreams are still haunted by...
Wowzers. Thirteen hundred thanks and kindest regards to those that voted for my piece as well as the kindly reviews given. Glad you enjoyed my...
I mean, an hour and fifteen to forty-five less a day would be nice... :P Anyway, less than 24hrs to go. Nothing is ever set in stone, there's...
I'm a little surprised there is a gap between the votes for both pieces as both achieve their goals perfectly. As Killer Angel points out both...
Back in my day we'd make the two winner-meat battle to the death or until one of their pens ran out. Good times... Apologies for no reviews, i've...