I imagine a redo of the Krox on the scale of Stormfiends! Is that crazy? I want a unit of BRUISERS on the table. Haha
Dang, just needed 20 more points off the Drakesworn Templar to fit into seraphon as an ally! Lol
Hopefully... At least we didn't get a pt hike to skinks again! Lol
Latest Engine of the Gods... used some left over Hurricanum bits, a marble, and some LEDs! Haha...
Thx! Yeah, the Stegadon is a fun model. Working on an EoTG/Hurricanum kit bash right now!
Spoilers.... Gotrek did well!!!! [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] I was top Seraphon player... yet went 2-3 on the weekend! Lol Pretty sure I only won those two games due to my first opponent forgetting...
[MEDIA] Game 1 - 05:56 - vs Gitz in Battle for the Pass Game 2 - 16:37 - vs Tomb Kings in Focal Points Game 3 - 29:07 - vs Skaven in Places of...
I <3 Purple Sun! I am putting it in a bunch of my lists. Constellation + Banner + Great Remember = Casting the Sun turn 1 with +2 to cast and...
That GW email was a major tease. Ha... giant pic of Seraphon.... Battletome? Nope... Here's some Bloodbowl.
[MEDIA] Played a 3 game tournament last weekend. My list: Slann 3 Engines of the Gods Shadowstrike with 6 Rippers When the engines all work, you...
Battle recaps of my 5 games at Warzone Houston last weekend. Last GT with GHB18! [MEDIA] Game 1 vs Stormcast (Chris Schelling) Game 2 vs...
Yes! Who needs a GHB when we have this thread! Thanks for sharing!!
Astrolith gets +1 What's the other easy +1? The slann's ability? That's a 30% chance to get that at the start of game... and you risk neutering...
I'm hoping all changes/nonchanges means they are just keeping us afloat until the updated battletome. Surely GW isn't actually this oblivious to...
So.... Heavenswatch/Bloodclaw isn't in the book.... but has points values in the new chart... does that mean they are useable now? Will they be...
Yikes... all the artifacts are the same!! Hahahaha... also known as... USE REALM ARTIFACTS
Lol, yeah that's my list. "Very spammy" is the seraphon strategy! We can't win in combat. We can't out shoot the shooting factions. We gotta do...
I guess I was hoping for something to help us compete in the current meta. I'm not seeing anything in the changes that are helping us push into...
Meh, all my lists got worse. Teleport got worse... More reliable... But still worse. Spells replicate existing buffs you can get elsewhere.