Xlauax approaches the Warden hesitantly. "I h-have an ur-urgent r-report for St-Starseer Iz-Izqux. I would l-like to acc-accompany y-you so I...
It's a good thing you aren't a slann lol
Xlauax whipped around suddenly noticing Tiqxol'tiq. "W-where are t-the r-rest? C-can you t-take us b-ack to the St-Starseer?". Xlauax started...
Reaching the camp Xlauax look at Qul'toq questioningly. "Why havent you cast your spell? We must hurry! It's only a matter of time before the...
That is true lol. I was just saying that since the memes were assuming all Jedi could do it. Still thought they were funny though lol.
I just saw Rise of Skywalker today and I have a couple of things to say after reading all your posts. Frankly I really enjoyed the movie. I...
"We must hurry the Druchii will see their missing scouts soon. You must summon the fire you said you could muster inside their camp. This is the...
Xlauax continued through the forest. Racing along towards what seemed like a huge wave that had formed. He wondered why Qul'toq would use a...
Yeah I love the KO lore that I've read it seems really good. But my main issue is the setting. I just can't like it lol. The realms make it...
I may like AOS but I definitely acknowledge WHFB's superiority in lore. And love the many various factions.
I personally think that Chaos Dwarf looks great. I think the armor is a good mix of ornate and disgrace at the same time. By bringing out both...
Xlauax stared out into the forest and saw a lone skink with some sort of magic around him. All of a sudden he relapsed into old memories. He was...
For me it's 1. KO 2. Classic Dwarves 3. Probably Chaos dwarves since they seem cool. 4. Fyreslayers they just seem a bit plain and repetitive.
I win, for now........
"Brokk get the Ironclads" "Thorgrim get the Ironbreakers" "Gotrek get the Fyreslayers"
Xlauax froze, many lives would depend on him? He remembered grimly the last time a life rested on him. He didn't know what to do or if he was...
Xlauax leaps down from his tree perch and glances around, he saw skinks and saurus running around frantically. He made his way to Izqux's tent,...
Just watched the final episode today. Oh my gosh it was amazing! They gave it tons of action but tons of story at the same time. And the item...
The lore is that the metal they use is lighter than air so they just use very simple mechanics to propel themselves, stills advanced but it only...
Yeah I voted KO since I've played them and I think they are really cool but if I had to choose only one to be in the game I would have to pick...