I wrote another story about Xlauax. Here it goes. Three years ago I had escaped them. A Scoutmaster no more I sought my vengeance. With my...
I'm not an adult but I totally have a favorite burner. Same one as the pic. Only filthy animals would use the back two. That's just wrong
Hey guys I've been working on some Warhammer races for d&d 5e that I want to make and possibly post these on the DM's guild. Here's what I got so...
Xlauax was a bit disappointed with being ordered to eat and rest but he couldn't exactly argue against it. He was aching all over from his fight...
Xlauax glares at the skink, who is now backing out of the tent. As the skink leaves Xlauax visibly calms down and seems less nervous. Xlauax...
Oh yeah Brokk Grungson absolutely wrecks in melee. Had him bring down Arkhan in a single turn lol. My friends face was priceless.
Xlauax stared at the body with a look of contemplation. He quickly shrugged this off however and made his way towards Starseer Izqux's tent....
They are weak right now. A KO player actually won a tournament (I forget which one) with them recently but he even said that you have to...
I respect this reference greatly.
Yep that's him. For whatever reason his name makes me think of winter and I have no clue why. Also one of my favorite poems is by a poet,John...
Dang I can't remember the poets name but I know that poem lol.
Holding the red hot blade to the slaves face Xlauax slowly asks "what was y-your kind doing investigating the r-ruins! And who where are your...
Xlauax asseses the skink coldly. His gaze like daggers against Xolek's throat. "I g-guesd you could ob-observe. But I d-do not want your...
Xlauax is quickly interrupted by Xolek forcing a stick to the slaves throat. He uses his sword to slice the stick in half before yelling "WHAT...
Xlauax pondered the Starseer's words. Perhaps he should try to leave some of his past anger behind him. After all, there was no way his brethren...
Yeah it was rough to decide but I figured I better vote KO since I'm building an army of them (Brokk gets jealous when I talk about the other...
After a long travel back to the camp Xlauax finally is able to meet with the Starseer. As he enters the tent he seems to regain confidence and...
Xlauax begins laughing maniacally at the dead Stormvermin. He looks over to Tiqxol'tiq with a crazed expression as he drags the slave up....
Lol I love classic dwarfs in TWW1 but I have been building a KO army which I love as well. So I voted KO.