What crossbow is that? Same with the sword. Since that sort of is exactly what I was going for.
It would be two daggers and a repeater Crossbow. I'm most worried about the cross bow.
Hey if you have read the Lizardmen RPG thread you may know my character is a chameleon skink that fights with dark elf weapons. My question is...
Xlauax sprints into the opening and starts shouting nonsense, his eyes still glowing with madness. He throws the skavenslave to the side, away...
I know! How absurd! No mere mortal could simply bite out of a cookie and leave some of it behind! Only a true immortal Santa could do that!
That man lies! We have empirical evidence on the contrary. How do you think all of the presents get under the tree? Obviously santa!
With fury Xlauax glares at them, he had lost the element of stealth now. Though, Xlauax had one potential idea forming. The Skaven couldn't...
Xlauax watches the 4 Skaven with interest, hatred burning is his dark green eye. He slowly draws the two serrated and slightly curved Druchii...
I suspect a FPS player primarily. Due to the work out c, v, and f key. C for crouch, v and f are comment keys for melee attack. So this dude...
Xlauax knew what threat lay below him. It was Skaven tunellers digging into this ancient temple, defiling it with their unholy putrescence....
I've also been very impressed and am having loads of fun. Definitely plan to do more after this. From what I've heard these sorts of things...
Xlauax looks around nervously. Something seemed too easy, though maybe his years with the Druchii just made him always feel like this. Exhausted...
Xlauax grabs the small jade stone inquisitively and holds it up to his eye and realizes it's almost the right size. After that he walks over to a...
well I'm not totally derailing it lol. I just hope TOW fixes these issues. But I am extremely excited for TOW (whfb had waaaay better lore then...
Oh yeah and hopefully if the rebalance saurus and make them good then a melee faction like Khorne can't just waltz up to the objectives and win....
lol yeah. Also I'm hoping it will be balanced enough to play whatever way you like. One issue in age of Sigmar is balance issues that prevent...
From what I read of fantasy (though I may be wrong). The rules were a bit odd and complicated. My hope is that they keep concepts like regiments...
Yes I am definitely worried they may try and change the scale or something to force you to buy a whole new army. If they don't however I'm sure I...
Xlauax seems taken aback by the suggestion of staying and replies "very well I will have to consider it, I wasn't planning on staying". He then...