That's because they are valuable. :)
Hmmmm... Thought I purged all that... And I did on my rulebooks, but still had the data rocking around in my noggin! Edited Bret's.
I think so. :) So I did a little looking through army books to see if there was a viable counter for the Hortennse Lord or a nullification. I...
I'd like to see how the Sandborne Wyrmriders end up looking. Mainly out of curiousity as I have my NK's already.
Both paint jobs are awesome. I prefer the GW models personnally, but each to their own :)
I'm coming buddy, I'm coming! :D I'm finishing my essay on the Hortennse then I'll go back through this.
Love the Eldar pics @Killer Angel Eldar was my first 40K army (and first ever army) so I've always had a soft-spot for them.
Nothing escapes you signore! :D
@NIGHTBRINGER I'm doing study of each army rulebook to see what I can find. Will post when done.
It's tempting. Not because of the ad (which doesn't really say much to me), but because of how much I liked the first two.