I personally like the Slann as is, but I added it to see if anyone else feels the same. (Personally, I feel like the issue lies more in Lord...
Ancient Salamander: Points: 260 Design thoughts: Screens like a Basti, but is far more fragile. Synergizes well in TL with +2 wounds, -1 damage,...
Hey all! The purpose of this thread is to generate discussion around designing/redesigning our warscrolls, whether they be from AoS, Forge World,...
I haven't seen much of his content, but I do enjoy his painting and hobby info vids.
Since we're bouncing around between different ideas, how would you all feel if I did a weekly-ish thing where I redesign a Seraphon warscroll, or...
Or! New model of KG on the Carnosaur.
I would throw my wallet at gw if they did BR Kroq'Gar
I don't, but I can work on one for sure.
Not surprised at the underwhelming warscrolls. The Underworlds & Warcry warscrolls for AoS tend to be very meh. I'll be buying these guys just to...
Ancient Sally v2 Patch notes: Wounds 12->9 Burning Jaws base damage 4->3 Tearing Claws base attack 6->5 It Burns! now effects Burning Jaws...
Yeah I included the bracket because anything over 10 in AoS generally has a bracket. I could reduce the wound count to 8 but then it's soooo...
First draft of Ancient Salamander. I used some of the stuff from the AoA to make this. Not sure how to point it because I'm not 100% on...
What Brings the Seraphon to Direchasm? Saving the World, of Course - Warhammer Community (warhammer-community.com) [ATTACH]
Maybe it's because teleporting is like a cheat code. It's often free for factions (remember when we had to roll to teleport?), allows for optimal...
Yeah it's a nice thought experiment. I wouldn't implement it, but something like LotR turn sharing could help. Regardless, just thinking outloud.
This reminds me of something I've been thinking about. What if combat was shared? So if my Saurus are fighting clanrats, both the opponent and I...
Off the top of my head, if I wanted to get efficiency from abilities, you would have to try and find similar abilities from all factions and see...
- scrub this comment I mucked up.
Interesting you mention this, I was just mathing this out. Saurus guard have: Higher effective wounds (20 wounds vs 11.62) Gives the benefit of...
Putz and I chatted a bit about this. I find this pretty cool but I do caution anyone looking their tables to take things with a grain of salt for...