Drew looks at Shiro with a combination of admiration and horror, Drew admired someone who would be honest with those he worked with. But Shiro's...
Drew sees that neither BigBang nor Drakk can carry the barrel of gold, so Drew walks over to it, hefts it onto his shoulder, but then realizes...
Drew is a little confused as to why Big Bang attached to him (both metaphorically and literally), but Drew didn't mind, as long as the bunny man...
Drew looks at the rest of the group, "i'm good to do whatever you guys decide, and i am definitely ok with being a lookout."
While all of this is going on, Drew was examining the ship, strategizing where to put a light ballista.
"im good to stay with you guys, and i think the name 'Payback' is pretty epic and quite fitting."
"Me and Tarkaz here are heading for the Harbor, you are welcome to join us if you'd like."
Drew first looks at Bigbang, "ok you need to stop eating the tankards, ill be dry of money here soon." Drew then turns to the kobold, nods, and...
Drew looks at Bigbang and says, "no, if you want it, go for it."
Drew felt a little odd when the bunny man hopped onto his shoulder, for a second Drew tensed up, not knowing what the bunny man would do, but when...
Drew walks into the tavern with the bunny man, and in the back of his mind, Drew chuckles, thinking how weird it would look to see a 6 ft man...
"not on me at the moment, lets take you to the tavern my friend, and see what we can find."
Drew looks at Bigbang and nods respectfully, "hello, my name is Drew, i am a friend of Garuits, how may we be of service to you?"
Drew finished his meal slower than the rest of the group, and when all of Drew's companions left the tavern, Drew stayed to finish his breakfast....
Drew awoke, groggy and tired, mostly from all the laughing and drinking he did after saving Garutis from under a tree. it was really funny to see...
Drew's eyes widened in slight panic, "understood." Drew regained his composure a little, and said, "well I'm glad you don't do that anymore,...
Drew watched as Shiro, Izema and Ohmen left the table. Drew turned to Eugene, and said, "Earlier you said that people were frightened by your...
Drew looks around at the weird assortment of characters in their little group, and found it ironic that the smallest of them was doing all the...
Drew nods respectfully to Eugene and Shiro before asking, "If you don't mind my asking, who are your people?" inwardly, Drew is still a little bit...
Drew is standing by, silently watching Garutis's friend closely. This Eugene seems a little odd. the moving beard thing is weird, and the three...