Drew nods a brief farewell to Captain Naresh and her crew, and then goes to find out who in the world this Ugene is.
Drew watches his crossbow bolt fell the ear-less orc, he knows he doesn't have time to shoot again because the hobgoblins, goblins, orcs, and the...
Drew fired his crossbow and the bolt glanced off the side of one red orc's head. From Drew's standpoint, he thought he might have clipped the ear...
As the enemy ship gets closer, Drew fires as many shots as possible with his light crossbow before the Moonsister is boarded by the enemy vessel.
Drew loads his light crossbow and readies as the ships comes ever closer
Drew sees Drakk walk off with Tarkaz. Drew decides to follow them in case things don't smooth over well between Drew's two friends. As he came up...
Drew agrees to throw knives at Drakk's performance.
As soon as Drew realizes that the Wish ring isn't as bad as Drakk was telling him at first, Drew went back to the ship to rest his mind and let...
Drew looks at Drakk, "So, since Silisgar obviously doesn't care about the ring, what the heck do we do with it?" Drew then looks to Wisdom, "and...
Drew looks at Drakk utterly terrified and asks, "What are you planning on doing? The way you described it doesn't sound good at all."
Drew finished attuning to the weight and feel of his new daggers. After a sweaty training session and a few hours of intense maneuvers, he decides...
At the ship, Drew tries out his new and improved daggers. They feel better somehow. Drew knows there are ways to enchant weapons but he has never...
Drew was still a little wary of Izema because he had seen the shark-person come so close to eating off Garutis's thumb. But Drew decided to head...
Drew helps Drakk put the signs up, and then asks, "What will you do for your act, and what, if anything, do you want me to do?"
Drew smiles and agrees to do what Drakk tells him.
Drew is saddened by the price and says to Drakk "Is there any way we can get more money? I know you have 3 gold and I have 29 so if there is...
Drew stares pretty much dumbfounded at Drakk talking to another Kobold that says it is Ohmen. In Drew's mind he can't believe that the creepy grim...
Drew looks at the price to improve his daggers and says, "I don't have that on me right now, I'll go back to the ship to get my gold." Drew...
Before Drakk came to him, he asked the smith how much it would cost to have his punch daggers improved. As the smith is thinking his question...
Confused and a little annoyed at Drakk's abruptness, Drew said, "I think I'll accompany you. I'd like to stop by the Blacksmith if they have one...