Drew smiles with relief to see his little companion. He thanks the guard and hurries over to Drakk, "Where have you been? I haven't seen you since...
Drew nods to the Captain, confused and a little worried about the little wizard. Drew decides to go back to the Tavern and see if he can get some...
Before Drew leaves the Captain, he asks, "Have you heard any word from Drakk? We haven't seen him in a while."
Drew also asks the Captain whether she needs his help with anything.
Drew smiles at Garutis and says to the waiter, "My big friend and I will have the good beer please." After the waiter leaves, Drew turns to Izema...
Drew decides to go with Izema and Garutis in order to get to know his companions more. And whats a better way to get to know someone than over a...
Drew keeps quiet and just stays with Tarkaz. This environment is severely unfamiliar to Drew so he wants to stay near someone he can trust.
When Drew was not working on bits of the ship with Tarkaz, he would still remain near his newfound friend, but instead of working on the ship, he...
Drew accepts the fowl sandwich and nods his thanks. Drew is still rather speechless from watching Izema plummet from the ship and somehow come...
Drew smiled at the Minotaur's excitement, but when the halfling/grim reaper/changeling mentioned food, Drew also realized he was hungry.
Drew looked at Tarkaz, thankful for the invitation, "yes, I would be happy to help." turning to the kenku, Drew said, "you say that thing is a...
At Tarkaz's answer about space, Drew's mouth hung open in awe. He regained his composure and shook his head "no questions." Drew now knows that he...
Drew also was enjoying the conversation and he replied, "I got the old ones off. I am ready when you are to put the new ones on. If its not too...
"I kill who I am told to kill, but yes if I am told to kill children or innocent families then I will not take the job. I don't like killing, but...
"Funny as it may be, I came here through mercenary work just like you. I killed for money, rescued for money, delivered for money. Mostly small...
Drew nodded, knowing from experience what the Minotaur was feeling and was surprised that Tarkaz was even willing to tell him anything.
"Thanks Tarkaz." Drew says as he does as the Minotaur instructed him. After loosening the rope, Drew got it out and watched Tarkaz work. Drew was...
Drew looks at the ballista and then back at Tarkaz, "I think I can figure it out. Just like unstringing a bow. Right? Just a giant bow."
Drew knows this whole adventure is way out of his area of expertise, but he decides to try at least, to be of some help to someone. He looks...
Drew raises an eyebrow at the barbarian and says, "greetings Garutis, i take it you do not like the idea of space? Me neither. But I would like to...