Drew felt worse after his conversation with Drakk than before. So instead of seeking out more bad news he decided to go back near the Ballista. He...
Drew was surprised as the rest of the group when the ship started flying and seeing the barbarian humiliate himself by hiding, Drew made sure his...
Drew is amused that anyone would even think that backstabbing with the ballista would be possible but he told Ardur, "no questions from me."
Drew looks on in mild irritation, anxious to be on the journey, but says nothing. even though the argument is wasting precious time and is kind of...
Drew waits in silence while the others claim their hammocks, and takes the last one. He sits down and says "ready."
I'm Drew, I am a loner and have survived for years on my own. I haven't relied on anyone's help since my parents' deaths when i was only 10. 25...
lol very true. i know i can beat you in an objective game but he will just die lol
although, when i ran my bloodthirsters up i was hoping for a double turn and the LoN player won the roll off so he could have given me a double...
three words: KO are Broken lol the issue was we weren't playing an objective game, which we wanted to but felt it would be imbalanced.
yeah true
AH, that makes more sense
ugh that is so lame it sort of makes the BSC useless. because if you have big units it'll be almost impossible to get wholly within 8"
oof, so is the app not right? and where does one find this errata and FAQ?
what???? i thought it was wholly within 16" i could be wrong tho.
oh yeah, Wrath of the Everchosen gives them a subfaction that lets them bring 5 Bloodthirsters in a 2k game instead of 4
yeah Bloodthirsters are nasty, but they are more glass-canony then they look on paper that 4+ save kinda sucks.
Great story! BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!!!!!! lol
yeah my other friend that me and @DeathBringer125 play with, @deadlymouser introduced us to spiked boots lol (he is the skelly)
Ok here is the whole thing re-formatted and added more of it. “Uugghh.” He groaned, as he sat up in his bed, wait, a bed? He thought,...
hey hold up, even though there is not a counterplay option, didn't you read that there is a mechanic that they haven't reviled yet that makes it...