oh and for Skarbrand, did they remove the rule that ignored ways to ignore mortal wounds? like it ignored disgustingly resilient and stuff like...
you should be having some fun now with the new battletome. i am waiting for a Gutbusters one as well because i have horde armies and i want a more...
for the record, that's too many lols for me
this shows how VpC are complete beasts
aw darn! you said "will never do an unchivalrous act as Bretonnia" you didnt say "will never do an unchivalrous act." that means i still have to...
Actually the Vampire Counts are pretty good. their only downsides are the crumbling mechanic, and their lack of any missile units at all.
basically Chaos, Undead, and Greenskins
any faction that can kick ass/face/butt/arse in melee
i will try
i'm on a writing spree. “I…Hate…You!” Orayszheld cried through gritted teeth. “One day, I vow, I will kill you.” “Now don’t go psycho on me. We...
“Ha ha ha! The infamous Orayszheld the ‘butcher,’ crying like a little baby! Hilarious!” mocked a strange reptilian voice, different from the...
“HELPED ME?! What do you mean, helped me? This is Horrible! I am – was – a follower of Khorne. I do not feel guilt. I was a lord of hundreds of...
“Uugghh.” He groaned, as he sat up in his bed, wait, a bed? He thought, “Aaarrrggghhh!” he roared. He picked up the bed with both hands and as he...
this is the first chapter done that i used for the contest A Brutal Life Exalted Deathbringer Orayszheld, known as the Butcher, viciously...
how many lols did you put in that message, i count three
i dont remember them doing much i remember making most of my saves
jeeez these seraphon loremakers really want their faction to be considered op