So, if you could say that Teclis is the god of Hysh, Nagash is the god of Shyish, Sigmar is the god of Azyr, Allarielle is the goddess of Ghyran,...
Wait, what? XD
Right, right! I forgot that part. Has he ever had a line of dialogue in a story?
Question: At any time in the history of Warhammer old or new has Lord Kroak ever been recorded to speak or even communicate in any way?
Honestly, the fact that we're getting nothing of note in the Be'lakor book almost gives more credence to BR: Kroak being a real thing. I'm...
I believe Kroak was consumed by the fires as the moon impacted Lustria, and he shielded the rest of the planet. Not sure what happened after...
We'll get another book eventually, but probably not til AoS 3.0 is at least several months to a year old, maybe more. That Battletome will...
It is unlikely we will receive any updated models alongside him. However, I have to imagine he's the first of what is to come down the road...
I've only been this ecstatic about one other model GW ever made and it was the Silent King. Oh man I'm so happy right now! I wonder if Morathi...
Is that skink chief on the blue stegadon unique? I've never seen its like...
Do you think the list is a bit too simplistic? I'm looking at it and wondering if it needs some sort of utility or ranged damage. Or maybe that...
So, I used to wonder about the viability of Saurus in a Starborne list, and how it could best be done. Put the idea aside, because "obviously"...
I totally want those two Witch Hunters, even if just for DnD or something. Honestly I'd read a book about them
This year seems unlikely at the pace the Broken Realms books are releasing. Maybe next year? Unless there's actually not many BR books left, I...
Does that math change much when you factor in a +1 to hit for a Koatl's Claw Temple Host?
And it was well worth the investment! I was just curious who the artist is
Does anyone know where the gorgeous banner art on this forum comes from? I cannot find it anywhere else. Was it an artist from here? I love each...