No cause is lost so long as one fool is left to fight for it... ------------------------------------- Allegiance: Seraphon - Constellation:...
Unless I'm mistaken, and I have tried to double check, it seems that there are no longer any restrictions on allies filling out battleline. Not...
I don't think this edition is particularly simplified, to be honest. The changes that mean more people might be enticed to play are purely about...
There are none in the GHB. They might be gone, or we might get a generic way to take them in our FAQ.
Sounds silly, but I kinda like Eternal Guard. They're like Saurus but...better. And only a little more expensive. Nice little defensive piece
Sorry, I missed page 2. Added it
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Here's a chart we're going to want to know, from now on. Doralia ven Denst is *almost* an autoinclude, as far as I'm...
They don't
Are we still scared of Lumineth? I thought they never really materialized into the horrid beast everyone expected.
I am fascinated that we get Cities of Sigmar allies now instead of Sylvaneth. That is a change I am 100% on board for, but I did not expect....
Guys. Every army is going up in points. And almost every monster moreso. And almost every hero moreso. We're not being targeted here, it's...
How strange that the Oldblood on Carnosaur went to 270 and the Scar Veteran on Carnosaur only went to 215 despite the fact it's already the better...
Guys come on, we aren't in the trash bin suddenly lol
[MEDIA] This stream is going to reveal all the points in 3 hours anyway, don't worry about the leaker
The Saurus Sunblood has also gone way up in relative value. His command ability targets an enemy unit, so it stacks with almost anything.
Oh, there are three potential translations in coalesced language. "Take Kroak" "Use an Enhancement to have the Slann (and everyone else) learn...
Oh! With endless spells getting so much more usable, people are going to take more of them. Which means we can steal them with Bind Endless Spell...
It seems the "Mysterious" terrain rules have reverted back to only the original six types. I reckon this is a little soft buff to Coalesced and...
Celestial Conjuration Comet's Call Stellar Tempest (or Celestial Equilibrium, a personal favorite of mine) New Mystic Shield :p