Buff: Seraphon can now bring a 260 point 4/4 caster by giving a Slann the Arcane Tome from the core book. Anyone can bring the arcane tome of...
That's too bad, because if things don't get a little bit worse for us soon, it might be a whole lot worse for us in our next book :P
It should be noted that even if things are overall worse for us, it is better for us to be demoted to an A tier faction than stay an S tier...
The rules at GW stores and events have usually been "75% GW plastic in every model" or something like that
It affects people like me incredibly harshly. I bought all genuine 100% GW Cadians for my Imperial Guard army. They got every cent that they would...
Buff: Our units can now inflict additional mortal wounds on hits *and* wounds of 6 with a Priest and Starpriest. Few can replicate this
https://warhammerworld.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2019/10/Updated-Model-Requirements.pdf It would seem there are no...
I don't know if the rules for this would be in the core document that we got, but there's nothing about the grand alliances. Is that gone?
Does it? My quick math says against 4+ save, 1 wound models, 10 Guard will kill 7.4 models on the charge in Koatl's Claw, and 20 saurus spears...
Speaking of (most) Saurus not having a way to hit on 2s anymore, I wonder if people might prefer to start bringing blocks of 10 Guard rather than...
Reckon you could just use All Out Attack or Wrath of the Seraphon instead, since it maths out the same Super tasty...
I guess I'm not worried about skinks anymore. Stacking Curse and Serpent Staff is going to be disgusting. On Knights too, for that matter
For simplicity's sake that's probably for the best.
Do they not already have the email address of anybody who would be downloading it? :P
Although we've all been memeing the "Watertight" rules quote...this is pretty damn good for formatting and detail.
If I'm not mistaken, miscasting goes all the way back to WFB.
https://spruesandbrews.com/2021/06/14/warhammer-age-of-sigmar-dominion-review-and-unboxing-aos-3rd-edition-launch-box-and-core-book/ Here's...
Finished yesterday! Exactly a week after I bought him, I couldn't wait. I can't describe how much fun he was to build and paint, and I'm not even...
They're definitely doing Chaos dwarves too. Plus Lumineth can probably still expect Fire and Water Temple stuff, and maybe Tyrion. Hope they find...
Another thing that gives me pause on my own thought is that I doubt GW wants to make skinks go to base-20 or so. That would let us field a blob of...