Did I mention I got a filler for the Sauria and skinks? Just some empty bases to carry out the will of the old ones!
Ok guys, here's the update list: Heroes: See above list Core: Saurus x27, spears, full command. Skink skirmishers x13, brave. Special: See...
Well that's all good, as I love blowpipe skinks! I will add a bunch more to the list and beef up the saurus with the points given from the...
*looks at opponent list* Where's your fancy jezzails now? (Thankfully I have been saved an auto ass whipping!) Oh and yes the plan for my puny...
Thanks for the advice! So should I ditch the anc. Steggy for a sallie? Both the terror and the panic causing breath weapon look delicious! I will...
And yes, my scar-vet load out is cheaper then a skink chief!
Ok, so I've changed my army list. I think this will do better! HEROES Scar-vet, light armour, great weapon, venom of the firefly frog, dawnstone,...
Thanks for the reply! I have had lizard men for about 6 years but became addicted to 40k! This is why I only have 16 saurus. There is still a...
Hi guys, I would welcome advice if you'd be prepared to give it to me. Thank you. (On a side note when I try to write skaven my phone corrects it...
Thanks a bunch will get round to it soon.
Albion is the literal old word for Britain/England. Even being English (but born in Poland) I think it's typical games workshop set a tourney in...
Hey do I need to be reviewed or something before I post a picture? If so, please be patient with my self!
Lizardmen98's lizards.
Re: Greek themed Lizardmen (Completed Armys on Parade Page7! Hi! I am new to this forum, and thus overly friendly! However, if I was not overly...