If you look at the post of Killer Angel with the old FAQ you will see the Bastiladon rule i'm speaking off in the bottom right :)
If i remember correctly the FAQ a couple months after the 2.0 battletome said exactly the opposite, that the Bastiladon ignores all rend as long...
also a nice change is the Serpents Staff Asterisk now activates at the start of any Hero phase, so you can give Lord Kroak those sweet, sweet +3...
maybe and i mean just maybe our new Battletome will be revealed today, then there would have been no misscommunication from GW, cause his...
Well, maybe Seraphon will be one of the first Battletomes in 3.0 and they just put this version of Kroaks Warscroll out because they new one would...
i can reasure you in that regard that he, weirdly, isn't a Behemoth, you can see he is only a Leader on the photo were his pts leaked
I would, but just because the Starpriest is a Wizard. But that 6s for MW is just too good to not take, and having Hand of Glory is nice...
Welp, we got our confirmation in the newest community article that this warscroll is the real one. Which is honestly kind of a bummer. It's not...
Chip damage is pretty much meningless against him, except if you have the worst luck possible. Also you all forget that he gets the 6+ FNP from...
the "Vessel of the Empyrean" flavour text makes this really look like a troll. At least i hope/think so
to be fair, what isn't countered by 80-120 skinks with support?
well, one person on the other threat said that the guy who runs Swedish Masters agrees. And it basically comes down to the distinction between...
the Realmshaper is placed in the No Mans Land in the middle, so sides don't matter, and Garrisoning a unit isn't an ability it's a core rule, so...
Imagine playing against Legions of Nagash where you can't target the Heroes as long as there are models around it, they get multiple CP back each...
According to this article Be'lakor didn't influence Lord Kroak at all in his decision to attack the Silver Tower, in fact he only capitalized it...
Hello, i posted yesterday a threat in which i discussed a strategy to move Gotrek 20"in two turns after which he could still charge an enemy with...
The dream is alive! Gotrek viable in Seraphon lists xD
Oh, i automatically thought everything on the warscroll counts as an ability, my mistake. The garrison rules are under the Terrain category.
Well, on the Warscroll of the Realmshaper it only has the ability to be garrisoned, but how that functions is regulated in the core rules. That...
Yeah, i did know about this, but i as i understood it, the garrison doesn't work with an ability but a core rule, and that's why i thought it...