I think many people are just silent lurkers of this and other threads who were aware of the campaign outside of the forum already, or at least I'm...
impressive, but how does this fit with the actual lore for albion and its truthsayers? is it even supposed to fit?
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/diehardminiatures/diehard-miniatures-law-and-disorder/description I see they're selling the models from their...
I'm not really an active hobbyist, but I had a small brainstorming session and made an equally small test/thing the idea was to see what could be...
just throwing possibly inspirational material and some suggestions https://imgur.com/a/k3bQl https://imgur.com/a/U7gBf https://imgur.com/a/Lk3H2...
according to the most recent post in the link that mawkrusha-ish bastiladon is pretty cool for someone like me who doesn't stomach the actual...
I found someone who's going to sell models that just happen to be similar enough, I say http://www.instagub.com/profile/sov_3d
pretty sure only the kickstarter exclusives won't get to the online store, everything else will
maybe it's time for me to sell everything I've got and restart the hobby from zero with this without GW[ATTACH] even if a troglodon, some...
I'm crying
damn, returned too late to vote, oh well, nice contest! Who cares about the place? I came for the colors.
Well...I've got a duo of sacred spawning sauri and an image with 8 skink priests (one for every wind of magic) that are done and I still haven't...
About the beard on the slann I must say that the various golden trinkets dangling from his lip or the headpiece, even if they can't exactly be...
[img] from the collaborative effort of @Slanputin 's idea, @n810 's colours, the right hand of mine and powered by Itxi Grubs™
Honestly, I don't have the full image of what you are looking for exactly here, but I heard my name and something about tripping slann. My mind...
Around the web, the original source must be a poster of a german forum, but I didn't check, honestly. These are the fyreslayers as seen in the...
[img] arcanodon anyone?
yes http://www.blacklibrary.com/prod-home/prod-home-bl/lord-of-the-cosmic-gate-ebook.html
there's barely any detail in these types of short stories, apart from the name the chaotic gets during the short mental communication with the...
I don't play AoS, so I may be falling from the sky here, but can't you just play the lost special characters and heroes using the old rules of the...