it all depends on if they are heroes or not, and fires of vengeance is out right bad
Team fortress 2 (like say any thing by "The Winglet" he has made full on movies)or halo(see red vrs blue). lesser but still applicable home stuck,...
well at the very least it's a good excuse to kick a expensive addiction
that would make them 4th and only 40 people participated and both of those polls are from when they where brand new and hyped as they could be
that is considerably optimistic of you considering who we are talking about
no the other way around. the TTS development team made a statement that they aren't continuing due to GMs new stance on IP protection
Welp GW killed TTS. and there goes any interest i had in warhammer +
oh good he isn't running zombies. ok first and foremost the undead are slooooow you have 3-4" on him in movement and that makes a huge difference....
then yes a slann would go a long way to help counter the undeads magic
sure lets see what we can do for you. wait nope never mind. you have none of the tools needed
we have quite a few centerpiece monsters already though
except none of the points in our book are valid anymore. thats the whole problem the GHB doesn't list the bale wind in our section. every other...
how would we? it has no point cost. is is free?
ok bud you win. it's totally ok to bring it. but let me ask why isn't it available in any of the army builders? why is the bale wind no longer...
there are no points for it in the GHB and it was omitted from the endless spell rework. it has been dropped. just like all the other legacy...
Poor how's we will miss him
i will say this make me much less inclined to get warhammer +
thats a shame to hear