not a chance in hell, but it is nice to have a few good outliers
eh i never got this. sure every one in the setting is terrible but they don't see it that way. the correct answer is "i am" no matter who you are...
i was going to gues silver spears but i don't know enough about 40k
yep it just means people will still use them because rend is mandatory in the game now and it's one of our only options.
eh more or less the same. a lot of points reductions that don't matter and don't change anything and a few 10-20 points increases to problem units...
ripper chief went down 5 ripperdactles went down 10 teradons went down 10 sun cannon went up 15 ark went down 20 salamanders went up 20. no other...
fairly sure this is LRL [IMG]
you really trust GW with balancing more crap? they have trouble as is let alone throwing a unit limit on things
that not a great idea. creul bois wouldn't even be able to play.(only one battle line option) it would also be very restrictive for list building....
short answer yes. long answer YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES 2nd edition AoS was very much the simpler game you had CP VP and then whatever...
mmmm not sure how you can say that. I've been playing since 4th and knights have in no way held up. heck even dark elf cold ones are better and...
never shut down just quiet for a time mostly we are playing age of sigmar, war cry, soul bound and eagerly awaiting old world
on a more positive note. what decidedly not woke media is every one working their way threw at the moment? books, shows, games, whatever. daddy...
don't know about his but mine is fairly substantial.
thats an eldar bike
tottaly agree. lets not fix anything or balance our own game properly, that would be hard. lets just burn it to the ground and replace it with a...
that has always been orks problem. people who run orks run YOLO thats what they love simple as that
an interesting clame. you should try playng without alegenc abilities for a few games and see if it holds up. then play your friends army with...
Looks like they are coming out with a bunch of black library books. Including a book about seraphine the SCE fighting kragnos [IMG]
and more SM. gues we will have to wait for our space elves.... [IMG] [IMG]