oh there are a lot of others. spacehulk 2016, spacehulk deathwing and it's sequel tactics, battle fleet gothic 2
oh joy.... more LRL
yep. a lot is pointing to a major eldar overhaul (finally)
well crap thats a lot of MWs. pretty easy to get 4-7 MW a turn with both battle shock phases they are just going to shred heroes.
that is his boom stick
it is definitely worth your time
well thats remarkably gratifying
no surprise there.
goodness do i hate this. (not the video it's fine) i hate having the gut reaction to any character that they are just there to check a box. it...
well all you have to do is tack on another adjective! that way it always the first and ever more patronizing!
neat! shame it seems to be such a bad material for weapons... even steal does better. now that is cool. lets hope they diside to do something...
i don't know how any of that matters as the qualifying word was "resent" i don't count our 8th releases so im not going to count theirs.
well at the very least it only their 2 release in the resent past instead of their 3rd or 4rth.
oh good. it's been far to long since aelves or slaneesh have gotten anything.
what ever it is we can be sure it's not terranids
i like the idea of armies fighting armies not small squad tactics. i like big blocks of infantry i like the grand scale. i like melee ground...
it's ok, but it really doesn't like the parts of the game i love so im struggling to find a place.
they do not, a lot of changes to our army since these where made
then this is probably not the best choice in hobbies :D
the Rumer is genestealers and castodies