wow you don't know me very well at all.
thats why you mix them with the 6 you already have;)
I am!
generally yeah shadow warriors do it better. sure you can port chams again but with how glass they are that wount come up often.
generally yes.
OBR nagash is much much more dangerous then standard so keep that in mind.
naw it's a new primaris lieutenant
you're thinking arcane. mystic gives a 6+ ward and +1 to prayers
mmm. i find this update very low effort if i'm being honest. featured factions up until now have had 2-3 battalions we get 1 and just a reskinned...
mainly he is just a weak spineless man and a bad prime minister. who only got the position because his daddy was great and constantly squanders...
kill everything that isn't nagash and your good. he does not put out 1000 points worth of damage so if you kill the rest of the army you can just...
it's already practically useless. it can only come into effect in about half the games you play and of those even less of them are game where it...
it would be hard to make it much worse
shadow blade.
yeah, there is a reason many are so critical of the new system. even leaving out people like me who could never get it to work
assuming it ends up like the 40k app and according to my store manager yes it will be pay locked. you will have to buy each book to get access to...
a tad. it's only been 2 years
and thats if it works at all. i still can't get into it
yes the tome is out of date, this tends to happen after any length of time as GW tries to fix it's mistakes. as for what to bring kraxagor are...