fair enough. you only have a 30%(not accounting for unbinds and with a +1 to casting) chance of pulling that off but fair enough
Even with that accounted for 50 is way too high for average damage
yes chaos is getting a book next probably khorn. doesn't mean they are getting models. most of the current books out there just came with paper
as apposed to 15 factions all of witch need updates as badly or worse.
you are estimating WAY WAY to high. carnasuars can barely do 50 at all (everything hits nothing saves +3 to all attacks) let alone average
and? why does that mean they need a "major release"? we have many many other factions that are worse off then the chaos factions. sure it's...
that is about average for a buffed up carnasuar so i think he did rather well. 20 damage isn't bad
slaanesh literally just got a major release....
the MW goes threw no matter what and regardless of how the rest of rolling goes. the intire point of MWs is that saves don't stop them
well ward staking it a thing again so i don't think he will have to wory about that
I must apologize for wimp low, he is an idiot we trained him wrong on purpose as a joke
yeah this hurts quite a lot
they murdered the dread and the sunblood. wholly within 12" is awful and can not compete with the oldblood or even all out fighting
oh neat they got another named hero. that makes what 14 now?
always fun to see NSP
1 bastiladon 2-4 stegadons(bassed on if you want the hero versions) 6 salamanders 10 chamelions 80-120 skinks 2 carnasuars kroak slann 1 sunblood...
Oh my goodness you're right! There's absolutely no hope no way to handle this thing! We're all going to die we're all going to die!
checks out.
no a lot af armies do have the tools they just don't want to invest in chaff