but this scews the numbers by a lot. nick has half of the first place rankings for seraphon if he wasn't in the game this would show us doing much...
it does 1/3rd of the opponents Health every shot. i would be very surprised if it got more then 1.
a bit of math. if this thing has a 2/2/-3/ attack profile(very generous it's probably going to be more 3/2/-2) it will have a 31% chance to do...
because according to the original article the ability doesn't effect attacks with variable damage
it also has to hit in the first place. this isn't a ability that just goes off it's a attack with a wonk damage value
this has far more to do with the quality of players. the people who stuck with lizards during the dark years are over all much better then the...
it's a single shot weapon that does about 6 damage on average shure it can spike higher or not 5+ has never been a good metric. it also can't...
dracothions tail
that was the big one back before 3rd hit. but 3rd changed the game a lot and it's since fallen out of the lime light
mostly thunder lizards with a lot of stegadons, or salamander spam.
start collecting skink boxes are what you are looking for. great value if thats what you are looking for. massed skinks aren't as good as they...
i just use modified blood bowl models. hard to use on the table but they look much better
while it would make the most sense for it to be a giants only thing this is GW we are talking about
he works best in melee armies but him being able to drop saves makes him useful every ware
https://discord.gg/42pqXUaa8x there ya go
thats nothing new
240. i say this mostly based on the General on gryphon. the general on gryphon is a moderately good hero monster nothing incredible like the VloZD...
are we talking about the carnasuar being buffed to that point or are we building something new?
with the exception of the carnasuar not being a wizard, yes.
no i said that them being cheap helps and then immediately qualified it with 3 major weaknesses. carnasuars don't meet any of my qualifications...