that mostly only apllies to AoS lore. we where bosses in the old world. and since thats where most of the lore comes from and since AoS lore is so...
well knights also work well in star born. that aside he supports warriors well they like the charge buff. come to think of it hit -1 to saves...
this. the lore makes us look like custodies but they game makes us play like skaven
12+(14-16 is much better) movement usually with fly, 3+ save or other survivability , at least 20 damage againsed a 4+ save. this tends to be what...
well not if you used his most resent depictions. he kinda sucks in the most recent stories
that is really really dumb
weeeeee more sm. i can not express how little i care
so we are 11th now? good to know. we are also firmly in 3rd place for popularity and hovering right at the 50% mark. this is very good news over all
Hello little friend!
they do but as they aren't monsters none of those abilities benefit them. or you could take a normal one and get access to all of them. why on...
ok lets look at what you are getting for 225 points. first you get a skink priest. normally 80 points this is by far the best part of what you get...
no they are still awful. they could be half the price and still not be worth taking.
they look nice lets hope they have good rules and don't cost more then 400 points
mostly people who want to live. the SSP has a 100% mortality rate
why walk when you can fly little rat thing?
incognito browser doesn't completely erase past searches. i wiped my internet history.
but they won't get that bonus most of the time. they have to kill some of the most durable and well protected units in the game in order to do so...
oh how very frightening. so freighting that it's a nerfed version of a existing ability.
yep only once even if you have multiple EotGs you can only make one roll
the millions of views tends to disprove this and Warhammer has as many memes as any one else buuuut if you do what you did below and put in Halo...