I don't know the specifics of the Terrorgheist's scream, but if it works like the Banshee's Ghostly Howl, I would say you do NOT get the ward save...
I don't think this would be legal, but its not clear. The way I see it, for a Temple Guard unit, a rank is 25mm deep, so the mounted Scar Vets...
A couple of points: First, you get to roll the miscast before you decide whether or not to transfer the miscast, so you may want to keep it if it...
There is no -1 penalty for multiple shots on the Steg's blowpipes. Their ability to shoot is a special rule for the Ancient Steg - it is NOT the...
I would definitely be willing to make the sacrifice, but I'm not sure if its legal. In general, you are not allowed to directly target your own...
I've always assumed that a Slann in TG cannot cast The Burning Head because of that. Direct Damage templates cannot be placed so that they will...
You're right. I completely forgot about the first Discipline being free. :oops: I still think 1500 is the low end for running an effective...
If the enemy has a Flaming Weapon, then it will take 5184 hits to kill the following build: Dragonhelm Dawnstone Shield Light Armour Or add a...
That would definitely do the trick, but unfortunately you can't get close to that for 375 points. More realistically, you could probably field a...
From my understanding of the rules, you would not be allowed to charge. You are in the Skaven's front arc, so you cannot charge them in the...
Even if this is legal, is it really that effective? Frenzy would give the Steg +1 attack, but that isn't where a Steg does its damage. The real...
If your opponent had a Terrorgheist and 4 Vampires, there couldn't have been much more to his Army. If you concentrate on his remaining army, you...
I assume this means a 25x50 mm standard cavalry base, right?
Great work Craken - a well-deserved win. And that's a real achievement because, the quality was very high top to bottom. My Boar Boyz didn't do...
I like it, but it doesn't look distinctive enough. Like someone else said, we can get something just as good by kitbashing TG and and Cold Ones...
Good luck with the surgery. I snapped an ACL playing basketball a few years ago. I had surgery to replace it, went through physical therapy to...
And I might be the oldest - I'll be 42 next week. But I'm still a relative newbie at Warhammer since I've only been playing about a year and a...
Given GW Customer Service's history, I don't think we can consider this settled until/unless it appears in a FAQ. The ruling that skinks can...
Great battle report! The pictures and diagrams make it very easy to follow. I do have a question about how you used Comet of Casandora. From...
Beautiful detailing on the blowpipe. I've been trying to decide how to paint mine - I love your colors, but I don't think I have a steady enough...