Don't say bye-bye to miscasts too soon. You don't miscast on double 1's, but anytime you cast with irresistable force, you suffer a "miscast"...
In 8th, there is no significance to double 1s (as long as your total roll is 3+), so the spell would go off in every case you listed. In 7th...
The latest FAQ defines magical attacks as "all attacks made by spells and magic items." So I would say that wounds from the Blood Statuette are...
Considering the way 8th Edition magic works, you don't gain much by adding more Priests. Since you are limited to 2D6 Power Dice, more wizards =...
There may be an understandable bias toward Lizardmen, but there's more to it than that (and my entry was one of the non-LM). The winning entry is...
Of course. Spears are not 2-handed weapons. So Scaly Skin plus shield = 4+ Armour Save.
Put this guy on a Cold One and he can be a great 1-man tarpit against hordes of relatively weak foes (like clan rats), and you can even lose the...
I really wish that were the case, but the rule seems pretty clear. Page 17, "A S&S reaction can be declared against an enemy unit that starts its...
Thanks for running this - it was just the motivation I needed to complete at least one model. :D I would suggest that we hold to a strict...
I'll send mine in as soon as I find the cable to connect my camera to the computer. Its far from my best work, but its finished. :) Good luck...
It may not be what you're looking for, but a great source of pillars is wedding supplies. They're cheap and look great once you damage them and...
Our local league also uses that rule (max 12 PD used in a turn regardless of source). The discipline is still VERY worthwhile. Sure, there are...
That's how I see it, but I admit there is plenty of room for debate. I think it is more clear if the Krox don't cover the entire width (frontage...
I disagree with that approach to counting horde attacks for a mixed unit. The rule book does not say that a model in a horde can fight if it is...
The Strider rule only says that the model does not have to take dangerous terrain tests. It does not say anything about ignoring other...
Add another to the list - I need some extra motivation to get painting. :) My Lizardmen are pretty well completed, but I just started Orcs &...
Very true, but if your trays do have a lip then you don't have to worry so much about sanding. The lip covers the rough edge.
If you're afraid of his magic phase, consider the Cube of Darkness. It will definitely stop one spell and has a 50% chance of ending the magic...
I might agree if who gets to fight is the only issue, but ranks effect combat resolution also. And your example is a good one for illustrating...
I don't think that is how it works. Since the basic unit is Skinks, I think a rank is defined as being 20mm deep. So your first 2 Krox are in...