[ATTACH] Grrr, !mrahil
Classic case of: Bigger has to be better, right? Grrr, !mrahil
Amazing work again, I love your highlighting job! great detail. Is this/will this also be the colorscheme for your Terradons? Grrr, !mrahil
First progress - paint Lurtz - paint 6 Uruk-hai scouts - paint 9 Uruk-hai warriors - paint a bronze unit of the Dungeon faction of HoMM3 -...
First painting episode: [ATTACH] All walls have a base layer on them and working my way through the grooves of the tiles... What a job :eek:...
My goals for this month: - paint Lurtz - paint 6 Uruk-hai scouts - paint 9 Uruk-hai warriors - paint a bronze unit of the Dungeon faction of...
Thanks, for sure it was and I hope it will ;) Grrr, !mrahil
They really are and they make great pets ;) Grrr, !mrahil
how to make a random scene extremely disturbing o_O Grrr, !mrahil
This has some serious prep time. Judging on the amount of peppers this dish will eat you from the inside as well :P Grrr, !mrahil
Progress pictures of my Gondor board (already shared in the What have you hobbies today? Thread) [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Time to put paint on this...