Honestly, the Ripper Warscroll and the wording on the Blot toad have me thinking about MSU rippers with the Chief tagging along, activating single...
Interesting wording.
That sounds like a nerf, a true nerf, unless Blot toads do something crazy and can be returned to the battlefield somehow.
The good thing is, with all that we can see now, is that we can give good feedback to GW for when we get an FAQ. Perhaps they can increase the...
Don't you dare compare this to that rag. It may have had some okay things in it, but overall it was a useless printing for Tyranids.
One box of Terradons can net you one of each hero and a third to convert/use bits from another box to be a second of either. So overall, I think...
There's a lot of 10 point summons on there. Assuming we should have about 10 points by turn 2-3 then. There must be something we're not seeing for...
Agree with @LizardWizard We're going to be different, and still competitive. The old ways are going away, and much like S2D, we will have to...
Have wee seen a Summoning chart yet?
Bastilidon has only gotten better if your keeping Solar. Sotek is now reliable. Skink heros with a 6+ save is on a fast moving and fragile mount,...
One disappointment is definitely the Astrolith though. The loss of the reroll hits bubble will hurt. But, that does mean we don't have to clump...
Some of us are. Everything I've seen is fair and can be used to effect. Except the Battalions. I don't understand that mess.
He never had rend protection.... He didn't have a sheild.
So a Stegadon or Carnosaur, from the price bracket page .... 3 Razors would be 9 wounds, and 9 skinks ifnits three Skinks a razor. So a total of...