Second post of the topic has the list I was thinking. The first one was flawed, but was the original idea....
I see you saw my list *Eyebrow waggle*
I mean, Salamander packs are succeptible to battleshock.... They're great, and I really like them. BUT BIG DINOSAUR NART.
What does that have to do with it? Haven't looked at that particular unit.
They're also easy reference, instead of always having to flip open the book. You can also hand them to people without handing your entire book over.
Ain't gunna lie, I lold at that.
Could always enlist a 3D printing fanatic and introduce them to the Lost Kingdoms Kickstarter on the way. Lots of neat pyramids and jungle...
It doesn't say when you attempt, only that it can be done BEFORE you cast your first spell.
I mean... Does it smell like it should? Wonderful, shiny, plastic crack/fresh book?
I'd call it word of mouth. OPEN IT.
Kroak and a Slann could do well in a Starborne army for summoning. If they'd just make the Trog less expensive they could cast through him and sit...
If we can, it will certainly be strong, but Coalesced is looking pretty strong too. We have viable ways to play already. If this is true, it's...
That is the exact wording? That is pretty huge. It basically means you have to decide to turn spells into points before you cast anything. You...
I wish you could still spend spells for CCP. Would be pretty fun with what we have honestly. The 50 CCP Dread makes me think that perhaps there...
There's no doubt there. I bet he'd do well against horrors though, if you buff his hit. Is there a general +1 to hit we have access to somewhere?...
You can fit three into a list with three battleline msu Skinks, and a Starseer. Lol. Not super hard, but it sounds like a fun list to me.
Gunna do it anyway and stomp on some folks.
He went from 16 to 35. Yeah, that's definitely a few. Lol.
Holy bejebus. 35 wounds. 4+ save. 510 points. I like his new abilities. Overall he looks okay. If not a bit expensive I suppose. Then there is...
I suggest adding a Feedback section to any emails you send. I plan to send a bit more feedback over FAQs, though I did send them an email with...