I was considering him, as a beat stick along side the Stegadons, but I wanted to have the Wyldewood placement for Loss blocking and zoning. Those...
Edited the list and reworked a few things. As @ILKAIN said, I was over limit on my allies. Took the liberty of adding an optional spell instead...
I was under the impression that it was 500, as that is 1/4th of the points. I'll have to check I suppose. Easy enough to rectify. Drop the...
You can definitely still get dice made, and it's very viable. The big hurdle is getting it all sorted out. Chessex does large orders of custom...
Adjusted List Section: Allegiance: Seraphon- Coalesced- Thunder Lizard Heros: Kroak (320) Skink Oracle on Troglodon (260) - General: Prime...
I think that is you get a second Skink box, you can use the bits from the Bastilidon kit (if you build one of each variant) you can convert a...
Hey folks, I've been watching a lot of lists and discussions about our future in the meta, and I've toyed with an interesting list idea. The...
Crendor is also fairly amusing as he's pretty new to AoS, so he's looking at it fresh compared to those of us that have been in a while.
Coalesced then right? Koatls or Thunder lizard?
It's Warscroll has not been updated as of yet. Probably won't see changes until after the Battletome is officially out.
I dunno if you're playing aggressively with the caster, you can cast cogs and have it in a place that may be considered risky. A LoC that can...
Good to hear about the knights. Interested in the list comp too. OBR death ponies are a lot scarier than people give them credit for. Killing 6 of...
It would probably be more easily demonstrated if previous examples of Garrisoning Terrain have ever affected a competitive environment. As it...
All the better to return to sub 200 point values!
Cool, that support model and huge blob are locked down there. Also gives me an idea of using it as a baiting tool for that purpose. Edit- as an...
Trog seems expensive, hopefully he goes down to 180. That seems more reasonable a cost to me than 220...
Well, they can Garrison it, but they can't use the ability as it requires a Friendly Seraphon Priest or Wizard. So we just clear them out of it....
Amusingly enough, Wowcrendor started a Warhammer channel called WarhammerCrendor, got a Seraphon Battletome, and basically does huge zoom ins and...
They are bound, and thus we control where they go at the start of the turn.
For starters, Chaos is starting to get beaten on, and thats our schtick. Easily allows for us to jump in and be included. Could even be a focus in...