I'm fairly sure we are getting some extra battalions and subfactions via a campaign book. That megabattalion is basically unusable in all but...
I like it. I think trying to keep your drops to 4 is a good plan. But I'd you don't, you can expand further, by adding a Skink Starseer for more...
It should be called "Spanking of the Greenskins" if we are involved. We do Savage and bestial way better on premise.
You have to choose between those two to access the sub-sub factions. But I believe you can just be either Coalesced or Starborn for your whole army.
That's just too many Skinks. I'd die.
Looking around, a Treelord Ancient will be great fun. Pop up a Sylvaneth Wyldewood near a unit, use the Realmshaper ability on it to hurt that...
Heavy line of Sauras, with bare minimum units of Skinks in between. Have Krox stand behind the Sauras, with them getting the buffs from the...
I really like that relic for Fangs of Sotek. Potentially killing any model in the game on a 5+ after damaging it. Lol. Slap that on a Ripper...
Welcome! Our heros are old, and forgotten, but there are models that they once we're! You made the right choice, and tomorrow, the Pre-orders...
I'm hoping someone gets the itch to do a body leaping out of a water style base. That'd be rad. Should look for a bored sculptor who would be up...
True, but GW has taken the reigns on FW rules for AoS and 40k. So I'm hoping it was worked on along side the Battletome, and will get an updated...
What Erta said. Though you could always have ten Jav/moonstone Skinks in front of your boltspitters as a screen. If they die, oh well, they're...
Gimmie an Engine War wizard. I want to see as many EotG and casters as we can stomach. Just for the possible Sauras MsU spam.
-3 rend blade on the EotG attacks would be hilarious. Probably not the best, but hilarious.
They came as a modeled option for the kit. It's no longer in production unfortunately.
Fingers crossed we see a new Dread Saurian Warscroll soon. I need to know how my boi is doing.
Terrain piece Warscroll?
Can't see the Sally Warscroll yet. Is it heaven?
True, which will be something to consider. But then again, perhaps there is a command ability that allows units to fight first or something that...
3 units of 3 Ripperdactyls? Gives you three toads to place.