I have gout, so trust me, I am well aware of that...
.......that explains a lot. Ow.
I do miss 90's grocery prices... and 90's warhammer prices... and 90's Lego prices.... and just 90's prices in general for a lot of things except...
...This is just more proof that, no matter what else you say about organized religions, they make some awesome buildings.
I find this to be highly.... illogical...
...dad mowed the grass after it rained and the grass was still wet. Been there, done that to keep the city off of my back.
Yay, I get to be pedantic now! It is a bell FOUNDRY, not a factory! Also, trivia note, the techniques used to cast bells in Bronze or Iron can...
Uh........ nope. Nope nope nope nope nope.
My Coworkers: "Wow, that is a loud bird! Must be complaining about how high the prices have gotten!" Me: Well, yeah, it's a bird. They're all...
Interestingly enough, I had a kind of opposite issue - my father-in-law is a big Tolkein fan, but was a little disappointed that his new...
Sounds like the problem is not enough other players in your area interested in those games.... :D Though if that is the case, I have the same...
Pretty sure this was a thing in Scrubs, with the Janitor saying KNIFE-WRENCH! in an imperious tone....
Does kind of look like a transporter accident, doesn't it?
Those are the most adorable little marshmallow paws I have ever seen...
That dog... has the HAPPIEST look on its face, like, "I know what I did and now the cat is confused! Yay!"
Yeah, I'm old enough to have been a kid when that was playing on TV back in the early 80s still :D The Scooby Gang met pretty much anyone who was...
I want to make fun of this, but there was an episode of the original Scooby Doo cartoon with Batman and the Joker...
Strawberry, Mint Chip, and Peanut Butter Cup, but there are other flavors - too many to really mention. Blueberry Cheesecake Chunk comes to mind....
This is cute, but that poor cat... :(
To paraphrase Harry Chapin: "They say Nero fiddled while Rome burnt up, well I was meme-ing as the ship went down..."