Yeah, checked it out from the library. About 100 pages in so far. It isn't terrible? Fight scenes are interesting, lots of unusual tactics that...
For the LOLs? I mean, rat-ogors need love too, yes-yes? Whyfor Clan Skryre must shoot-zap everything is beyond knowing-understanding. Leave some...
I cannot like this one enough! :D
I would totally watch a live-action adaptation of Disney's Hercules movie with those two actors in those roles.
I suspect this is just the top of the iceberg. You have to realize I'm pushing 50, and the wife is already looking into retirement options....
Yeeeeah, about that... My wife found my pile of unpainted stuff and is putting her foot down. I'm allowed to keep 6 AoS armies (because that's...
that... uh... I really hope that is faked using a clear, red, plastic nut...
There is an old saying about this... Hours of Sleep: Your body needs 5, but really wants 7. Laziness gets 9, and Wickedness 11. Strive to be wicked.
I... have done something bad... involving birds... Magpies, specifically. As Beasts of Chaos is being relegated to TOW, and I don't feel like...
Hot dish, which may or may not be tuna casserole.
Khorne's followers want to get out and meet people, so they're more extroverted. The fact that they then want to FIGHT those people is irrelevant.
Given the amount of road buckling I'm seeing, I think that's actually a sinkhole...
5 7's is a special kind of Yahtzee roll that requires magic dice. I sense a Plan that might not be Great. Tzeentch might be involved...
that... looks like really bad door placement... step outside and WAAAAAAAAAA!!! down a cliff into the river
Also - this is key - did you notice that the old Victorian era cobblestone road is IN BETTER SHAPE than the asphalt on top of it? Seriously, I get...
Malakai and the Goblin-Hewer were in the Storm of Chaos army, yes, but they were also given rules as a Regiment of Renown for the Dogs of War.
... ... ... Wargaming: You're doing it right.
I do miss my Dogs of War army from 6th edition. Might be why, in AoS, I gravitate to picking up Underworlds Warbands, which I treat like...
I wish! :D
Wait, you got hired on by Wargames Atlantic?!? :eek: