I think there were like 5 or 6 Seraphon at the hammertime 6 tts tournament last weekend and 3-4 were FoS with the stegadon chief. It's a popular...
There's a lot they can do with a FAQ, they just choose not to. Easiest thing in the world would be to say coalesced scaley skin also affects...
Eh I don't agree with Vince a lot of the time and this is one of them. Kroak is fine, salamanders need to be 300 for 3. Skink spam is a result of...
None of the guys you mentioned are slow and average stated. IJ is fast. Daughters are fast with high attack stats. Plague monks have special...
The problem with coalesced is the same problem Seraphon had before our book came out. Namely it's outdated. Someone at GW has it in their head...
They don't leave their side. If a slann dies in combat it's because his guard are all dead. In the old fantasy game you had to have a unit of...
Fluff reasons mostly are the cause of unit profiles. Temple guard never leave their slanns. So that's why they don't work with anyone else. They...
I am all for more traditional alignments. Order should be cities, stormcast, lumineth, fyreslayers, and ko. These are good people (mostly) that...
Morathi still takes extra mortal wounds from endless spells during the time between turns right? If so I still have no issue with the way she works.
lol I love my dread, but with everyone preparing to kill giants, dread might become a victim of circumstance.
I wouldn't take him outside a kroak starborne list. The extra summoning dice he makes combined with board wide channeling and his useful ness as a...
I love summoning. Many opponents have spent the game complaining about having to spend their combats killing min units of skinks just to have me...
haha yes, but they are setting a precedent in the first book, so it's possible they will give us some in the later ones.
not our turtle. The other turtle lol.
[ATTACH] Warhammer community coverage of broken realms. The featured factions preview for deepkin mentions mount traits. Its a rumor because we...
they wanted to sell stuff to people that had their armies already, the entire book was meant to force people who owned half the model range to buy...
Hi everyone. Hope you have been well. Safe to say Tzeentch Flamer spam, KO, Gargants, and Teclis are expected to be a lot of my meta. So to fight...
I expect the top 4 to be ko, dot, Seraphon and lumineth for a while because of shooting. Sons of Behemat isn't getting a lot of respect...
I hope so. My tree people are in desperate need of new stuff.
In thunderlizard thunder quake, your damage is coming from your monsters. I feel it's better to focus on protecting them and supporting them, than...