I would personally take the two units of 20 and make 4 units of 10z let's you screen a bit more and have a couple more units to capture objectives...
is this a new rule for them?
I think you will see them competitively as a 1 of in armies like skaven or gloomspite. Armies that can spam a lot of bodies and swarm objectives....
Fair point. I did it once with DT kroaknado. Took double salamanders, kroaknado, stellar tempest, purple sun, tide of serpents and a 2nd slann for...
SoB won't really change the meta game in my opinion. To go 5-0, Armies Currently need to be able to kill 120 Clanrats, deal with 60 blightking...
They don't have damage prevention do they? That's what ruined 40k when knights came in. All these wounds and they have feel no pains and special...
Seems like it unless FAQ changes it. I'll probably pick one of them up. Seems fun and like I said The ability to destroy terrain is super...
I'm considering taking Fangs of sotek to serpent dagger them to death lol something about killing a giant with poison tickles me. But seriously,...
This one is fun and pretty competitive. Take a Treelord ancient, knight-heralder, kroaknado package and Realmshaper engine for total mortal wound...
I really want monster mash to work as well. Hopefully GW will cave and make all Behemoths count as 10 models for objective scoring.
I also like double priest. Its a lot of redundancy that seems useful to have right now.
One thing I've noticed in my practice games is how quickly 5 wound heroes die in the current heavy shooting meta. Under such a meta I find...
what list has been working for you?
Thank you! Sculpting is a skill I dont have much experience with yet, so Im happy it looks good.
Thank you! I'm a lot happier with it now that all the little things that bugged me about it are gone. Still would prefer the total war version but...
Yep. The way I personally use 10 man units of skinks, is as screens and to hold objectives. I expect them to soak charges and die, so I don't...
looks kinda like a living version of whatever skull is on the warboss
what were you playing when you beat them?
Finally got around to finishing this guy. I probably should have textured his gullet more but I figured it was soft tissue meant to stretch so it...