Thanks a lot Jorgik ;)! I will surely try out something similar :)
Wow. Interesting and precisly described fluff. Color scheme is hilarious. I am tired of bright blue or green skinks. Every time I see dark ones I...
Really nice job! I know how hard it is to sculpt those little swarms.
Good job guys and girls. Hard to choose who should get my votes :) It is easy to guess who painted master tier models though :) This exhibition...
Well ok. I am currently in Greece and it is 1.22 am. Good time to sleep ;)
Guys you need to calm your tits ;) Go to bed and check this site next morning :)
Did any of you get answer for submitting your entry? I would want to know if I have sent it properly.
Sent my entries for Lizardmen and Conversion Category. Didn't make it with Open category this time. Can't wait to seeing your models! :)
One month more plus one for voting is too much for me.
Ok my conversion and Lizardmen entries are ready to go :) Now need to work on open one :) Edit: Woho! I finally hit '50 posts'. Wasn't that hard!
I am: 100% finished with conversion 0% finished with open 0% finished with lizardman painting I am about to start and finish 2 entries in next...
Ripperdactyl :)
It is small things that matters ;P
Nice work on those bases. Lots of plants look good ;) It is something I am missing on my bases.
Ok, but should I upload 6 pictures alone or should I make one picture with 6 combined?
I have some questions. Do you prefere to get cut pictures of our entries or will u cut it anyway? Should I cut and paste up to 6 images into one?...
Stegadon is outstanding ;)
Lol it seems I am reading girls posts here "Oh don't eat that soup it is not tasty.... Did you like the soup I have spent so much time on...
Ty Rokanos ;) Very interesting patterns on wings. I like those rippies :)
Amazing base :)