Very good marble technic! Any tutorial how was it done?
I have cut out Anwil of Doom years ago from polystyrene and sprayed it with GW chaos black. The surface was literally melted. I have heard, that u...
Looks really well ;) Nice colour scheme.
Very nice models :) I just love this saurus conversion <3
I know C'thun and Cthulhu. Don't know both Zuul and Zhtul :P
We will patiently wait for good pictures :)
I have already finished my conversion entry and I am in need of painting, but can't get starter with it :(
Now it looks way better! I like horns on your stegi the most. Thanks for better pictures (way better :P).
I especially like this shield and highlights on this stone weapon. Ah and also blood :) Very nice model!
This Oxyotl is outstanding! Both sculpture and paiting. I want it badly!
Looks like very inspiring project. Post some pictures soon! :)
Stegadon looks nice but those pictures are horrible ;P Waiting for better ones :)
And all of that looks better alive! ;)
To work with green stuff you need clay shapers ;) In my opinion though, wooden toothpick and a needle are the best instruments you can possibly...
Yeah I understand. Do you have any gaming club in a nearby?
Really nice stegadon! Your sculpting abilities are very good :)
Isn't it easier, faster and cheaper to buy box in store or try your luck on ebay?
I have to agree. Good job indeed :)
Thanks ;) I am just finishing conversion entry. Good to know how to take good quality pictures :)
Xlanax_lot do you use only sunlight or some artificial light for pictures?