Yeah I don't disagree on the fact that AoS is shaping up to be an excellent game for new players. And from the business standpoint, GW is doing a...
Hey @woogity - If we didn't get a PM this time around, do you happen to have an estimate on how long it will be until the next batch? Also - my...
Have you tried using the stampede spear on your bsb plus the sharpened horns upgrade for the re-rollable 2d6 impact hits? Also - I know those...
Honestly, the biggest and foremost reason why I dislike AoS is simply the way they went about it. Now, granted, there was a single person...
absolutely incredible! Can't wait to get my hands on these beautiful models you've created. I shall wait patiently (read impatiently) in line ;):D
First - Let me say the concept art is awesome However... These look really close to the Undying Dynasty stalkers, so I'm not liking them as SA...
Ok...sorry guys! Didn't get pics till I snapped a handful of quick ones this morning of the skinks WIP. First up, skrox block 1 - test skink...
Yep, definitely a typo there:oops::p Good catch on the +1 wound... Dang... That actually makes me rethink taking the upgrade heh. Not that...
Bag o sand from your local hardware store should run you like $5 or less and be way more than you'll ever need. Love the display so far! Can't...
Love those Ripperdactyldons! A+ on the wing patterns!
Hey guys! So now that I'm done with my entry (and it's likely pretty obvious which mine is), I'll finally be able to get back to painting other...
So many amazing entries! Good luck to all! I'm gonna be crying in a corner :p's only 6pm.. :oops:
I'm so excited my excitement is excited.
"Like"ing and refreshing intensifies feverishly
Well there was that one time with the bees...
Technically by pacific standard time, it's only 11:38am... but... *refreshing resumes*
*looks at clock* ... *refreshing intensifies*
My F5 key has effectively become the "blank" key... when asked about it, I shall tell everyone the tale of a man who sat in immeasurable...
I hear ya on the pictures. Don't feel like they did mine justice, even though I fiddled with trying to take good ones for a few hours.