Funny enough, I started taking a caiman ancient in my most recent list and he's done really well. I just stick the gambler's armor on him or the...
I uhh... Struggling...haha 0% on conversion (though i didn't intend to do this one anyway) 0% with open (lizardman entry is taking longer than i...
Interesting lists. Seems to be some pretty common things, but each list is relatively unique. Will be interesting to see how the Ancients do.
Heya! Thanks for the compliments! The sand is actually a product called Vallejo Dark Earth. It's literally a paste you paint onto the base and it...
Yikes x.x i'll make sure I downsize the next ones.
Amen on the ramphs. +1 on that.
Thank you for the compliments guys! :) Holy crap...i just realized how big these pics are coming in (esp if you click on them...):confused:...
Just noticed... Why does our caiman champion have more attacks than a caiman ancient? :confused: Also - Why exactly are the baby carno mounts so...
Welcome back to the jungle! Looking forward to seeing your models!
Welcome! For me it's mostly two things. I get to paint a plethora of colors and not feel like the army looks strange (brightly colored dark elves...
Oops...guess I spelled it wrong hehe. I've just been hearing about it in the videos. Awesome! Can't wait to see it!
Thanks all for the kind words! Mods - could one of you kindly move this up to the blog section? I didn't see it before:oops: Also - tiny...
Omg dat kitty belly. *shakes head* Yep...can't get my cats to help either. :p
That skaven lord/caster is fantastic! The texture on the cloth is really something. Bravo and congratz on your placing!
I've been researching and watching airbrush vids for the past week.. so ridiculously tempted to get one...just thinking of the amount of time it...
Kinda on the same subject (and apologies if I missed this somewhere in the thread already), do I send in the initial shot with the sign and a wip,... take that back. It shouldn't look like that at all.
@SlanntaClause - put a layer of Leather (medium to light tone) brown down before you do gold. This will help it be a more true gold color. Then...