I want to say white, but I guess it depends on how much attention you want them to pull. Looking absolutely stunning, btw. As always. :smug:
You can check mine out (what few I have done o_O ) through the link in my signature. Cheers! :)
It is much more efficient to put them together first and then paint. If there are parts like shields that can be left off 'till the end and...
Check out my painting log for some inspiration, if you are leaning towards a red steg. Cheers =) Note: mine isn't done (I am putting off the...
Make the spears sticking straight up, otherwise you will need to do some modeling to get them to rank up the way you have them. As for the...
I wouldn't take shadow, only because they have an item they can take that will remove all RIP and give them a crazy amount of power dice to use on...
No and No. I won't argue with you on the casket test rolling, seeing as how it hasn't been FAQ'd. It could go a couple different ways. Though I...
Just to clarify a few things for people (I am a new TK player, and put my lizzies on the backburner for awhile). The casket is a LD test and you...
sooo......did this die off? lol
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update May 26th***) How to aptly describe what my eyes just took in... It went something like this -...
True enough. I forgot about their metallics..but the fumes are just ridiculous. Back when I used to do model airplanes and such, I used to use...
Sorry guys, I ended up falling asleep when I got home from work last night, but SebM pretty much summed it up. The metallics are horrid, but the...
Sure thing, though I'll need to wait 'till I am home to write it up. :D
Nice little read! Good find! Although, they don't mention anything about P3 paints..which are my favorite. ;)