I've heard KoW is considerably quicker to play than WH. Couldn't that be an option?
Piggeh is done :D I'm quickly on my way to do 15 blowpipe skinks and then I'm done for this time around. Once everything have been painted I'll...
Other things I've painted: Some Salamanders and Caimans (Kroxigors). To be specific I converted the Caiman models I won from the terrain...
I'm currently working on my Godly Engine. I put magnets on the howda to make it easier to transport. My experience tells me that transportation of...
With new teams to develop the books comes new staff. @Haemoglobin is one of these new members and will be part of the team creating the Saurian...
I btw painted up the models and,converted them into a command group. Weapons a halberds from Kromlech.
How did the bastiladon go? It looks as if you drybrushed on top of a black undercoat? :)
No. Others will surely pick up creating alternatives to LM/SA/Seraphons/whatever. Having different looking alternatives is only good for the...
Hi protector The OP haven't been updated since this post (post 153, June 9th), any chance for this to be brought up to speed? :)
Drybrush is particular good when Painting scales and small cheap models such as skinks, but otherwise I try to just highlight like you normally...
Regardsless of the opinion of T9A and other games I think it's amazing to see these minor and often freshly started miniature companies rising to...
This update process will last for a couple of years. We're aiming to have a printable version of the BRB (with hardcover) early next year and the...
Not yet, but there have been some talk :)
Yes, we have around 20 different companies supporting T9A :)
Below is a detailed explanation of how the new teams will update the books in the future.ยจ You can also read how to apply, right after the...
4 sets of Colossus (12 models in total) :) Steffenduuus@msn.com
I waited for this guy the last 2-3 years. It's finally mine :D[ATTACH][ATTACH]
We're doing a survey on our own forum. I figured you guys should be made aware of it as well ^^ Some really interesting answers so far....
Tett'eko hands down. That guy + a Slann with wandering deliberation was fun times :)
Coverage of ETC is being worked upon but it's difficult :/ I hope we can have some people on the ground doing interviews, following games etc....