Actually, I'd probably leave it out or change it. T9A is a spiritual successor to WHFB 8th, however it's in no way related to AoS and the...
I think "almost" is fine.
You can have a direct link such as this: Or download the book and upload it here if you prefer :)
Do we want to mention that T9A rules are for free? Not sure if it's necessary?
Will try and read later :)
When does something become official? When backed by a company that also produces miniature? When the employers are being payed? For all I know:...
Welcome To The 9th Age FantasyBattles: The 9th Age is here, ushering in a new age for Miniature Fantasy Wargaming! The free Rule Book, Magic...
view of the release of Version 1.0 and questions that some of our members have run into in discussing T9A with potential members, we decided to...
It's not the change (that's likely to do with how they've fared so far), but more the time or which they do this. 1.0 is this week :) Not that...
Also T9A have MANY things we want to do. We're far from just a tournament oriented project. Just to mention a few things we'll eventually work on:...
We (T9A staff) are not terribly bothered by it. It does, however, makes one wonder if this is done purposefully to counter the eminent 1.0...
In time other miniature companies will have several full armies and GW will no longer be as relevant. Mantic Games are just one of many and...
The new carnosaur have a good size, I'm just happy I'm not a HE player with all those big fliers. They're annoying to transport :D
I'm going to be that guy and try spear warriors with a cheap warlord in them =]
For core I hope the following: Break up Skrox as a seperate unit entry ie. A unit where you're forced to have Caimans with your skinks (so...
I'd assume so, buuut... You'd need poison upgrade + thyroscutus + snake swarms. I mean.. it could in theory happen and when it does it's all sorts...
Shield doesn't work on large targets anymore :/ It was otherwise a wonderful counter measure to artillery..
Warriors are not super bad. Especially not when buffed by Mr snake wagon :D I think I've done 10 wounds to a unit of longhorns once with spears...
No update the next half year, at least. Time to test weird things :D Me? Something like 2-3 Caiman units. The original idea was: Cuatl, BSB,...